Deutsche Welle Science Unscripted

Science Unscripted

From advances that will change our lives to offbeat oddities, Spectrum keeps you abreast of developments in the realm of European science and technology news.
Weekly English Germany Science · Technology
49 Episodes
40 – 49

We're back!

Once in a while we have an episode that has nothing to do with science. This one's about how Gabe burned his hair off.
11 Jan 7 min

The status symbols they are a-changin’

An expensive car, a shiny watch, a hot body, video game skins, a vegan diet — regardless of how different they can be, status symbols will always be a part of the human experience. Why do we need them so deeply?
6 Jan 30 min

Happy New Year from Science unscripted!

Thanks for listening to (or watching) our show this year. And please don't forget these quick tips on how to have a safe and fun party on December 31.
30 Dec 2023 30 min

Homeopathic sugar balls for Christmas!

Pain might rob your Christmas cheer - And drag you through depressing muck - But don't you worry, and don't you fear - For you, my friend are in grand old luck - Ho! There lies a simple remedy - The balls of ho-me-o-pathy.
23 Dec 2023 30 min

Why is it so hard to say no to an invitation?

Sometimes we end up at social events because... it's just too awkward to say no. New research suggests you should feel better about declining (if you do it the right way).
16 Dec 2023 30 min

Why are kids getting worse at math?

Across the globe, 15-year-olds are doing worse on standardized tests than five years ago. And it may have nothing to do with the pandemic lockdowns.
8 Dec 2023 15 min
40 – 49