Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series

Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series

It takes a village to raise a child and connecting with fellow moms and dads leads to sharing of knowledge. That’s where Parent + #BabyBrunch comes in. Hosted by Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp, the Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series podcast features fun and insightful conversations with ordinary parents doing extraordinary things. These can serve as a source of support, inspiration and advice for parents, moms and moms-to-be as we delve into the unique experiences of diverse parents.
Occasionally English South Africa Kids & Family
173 Episodes
116 – 136

Hijacking Prevention Tips to Protect You and Your Family

As adults, safety is a priority; but as parents, it is a necessity. South Africa’s hijacking expert Richard Brussow joins us to share his knowledge and advice built up from over 20 years’ of experience. We discuss how to be vigilant and what to look out for, how to prevent…
15 Jul 2020 25 min

Mommy Makeovers: All We Want is Confidence

Plastic surgery is a term which often comes with a stigma. Dr Deon Weyers – the plastic surgeon who gives back – chats to us to clear all of our misconceptions about plastic and reconstructive surgery. We cover the psychological factors, the various levels, the process, timeline, and more in…
1 Jul 2020 39 min

Childbirth Your Way – Natural or Caesarean?

C-sections have become far more common than before, no longer only saved for emergencies. So how do you choose the best childbirth option for you and your baby? We discuss all this and more with childbirth educator and board member of the International Childbirth Education Association, Deryse van Aardt. Brought…
17 Jun 2020 35 min

TikTok, Toddlers & Terror: How to Parent in the Digital Age

We all want to protect and shelter our children from the dangers of the internet. But this intricate space can have so many benefits, too – so how do we navigate this? South Africa’s leading expert in social media law Emma Sadleir advises us on how to better equip ourselves…
3 Jun 2020 41 min

My COVID Baby Part 2 – The Low-Down on Lockdown & New-borns

How does having a baby amongst the coronavirus differ from the norm? In our previous podcast, we chatted to parents of babies born under the cloud of COVID-19 about their struggles. In this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth, we get the advice of a medical professional as we discuss…
20 May 2020 15 min

My COVID Baby Part 1 – The Low-Down on Lockdown & New-borns

How does having a baby amongst the coronavirus differ from the norm? We chat to parents of babies born under the cloud of COVID-19 about their fears and their fight. TV presenter Graeme Richards is one such parent, and he shares with us his hospital experience with his new-born baby…
13 May 2020 35 min

Life After Lockdown – Emotions, Personalities, Relationships & More

Clinical psychologist Janine Boulle talks us through the emotional side of the circumstances that Covid-19 has put us in. Life as we know it has changed fundamentally – for some positively and for others negatively. We consider the ways that various personalities and relationships cope under lockdown, and chat about…
29 Apr 2020 36 min

The Ultimate Lockdown Crash Course on Children’s Activities & Home-Schooling

How do you come up with activities to keep your children occupied during the day? Is home-schooling for everyone? Listeners have sent in their questions and we’ve got Liz Senior, occupational therapist and founder of Clamber Club, and Janet Kieswetter, home-schooling mom of 5, to answer them all. This podcast…
15 Apr 2020 45 min

Flip the Script: A talented young man with autism is interviewed by his mom

Autism. It is a word that carries so much weight, and often, misunderstanding. What exactly is autism spectrum disorder? Is it something that you as a parent have been confronted with? For the first time in this podcast series, we not only interview an extraordinary mom, but also flip the…
2 Apr 2020 22 min

Medical Aid & You – Let’s grow our understanding

Medical aid is a complex product that is often tricky to understand. From flu to the coronavirus, and from breast cancer to loyalty programmes, there are so many burning questions that we find ourselves asking. Fund Manager of Fedhealth Medical Scheme Deon Lategan answered all of our questions and more…
1 Apr 2020 41 min

Bed-wetting: Should you be worried?

1 in 6 children between the ages of 5 and 10 years old are bed-wetters. Is your child among this statistic? How can we, as parents, support our children as they navigate through such a confusing phase? We chat to self-confessed childhood bed-wetter, Dr Michael Mol, and discover more about…
25 Mar 2020 23 min

How to Raise Resilient and Confident Young Women

Despina Senatore, mother of three and founder of inspirational coaching company Purposeful Woman, talks about her company and the motivation behind her book Soar!, an up-to-date handbook for today’s young girls. From mindfulness practices for young girls and career options for teens to how moms can transition into the workspace…
11 Mar 2020 39 min

Eggs. Fertility. Donation. Freezing.

Genevieve Uys froze her eggs at a young age. For the past 8 years she has been running her own egg donation agency called Traveling Donors, www.travelingdonors.com While focusing on giving egg freezing a voice in South Africa, she hopes to educate young women to be proactive about their reproductive…
12 Feb 2020 19 min

Is Your Baby or Toddler Going to School for the First Time?

The first day of school is not just hard for our little ones, but emotionally draining for Us as Parents too. But how do we choose the right school for our babies and toddlers? What if we don't get along with the teacher? And what if you simply can’t hand…
15 Jan 2020 48 min

The Grace Factory, a Mom's Dream for Her Community

In our next podcast for 2019 we chat to Amy Westerman, founder of The Grace Factory. Their vision is to assist all mothers who delivers a baby in their communities by supporting them by giving the basic essentials they would need during the first few weeks of their newborn's life…
11 Dec 2019 18 min

Parent + #BabyBrunch The Show Cape Town: Panel

Inspiration from our Cape Town event of Parent + #BabyBrunch, supported by Fedhealth. Listen to our panel discussion with guests Zane Meas, Melissa Swart, Vanessa Raphaely and Shahana Mia.
28 Nov 2019 58 min

Dear Premature Baby...

Sunday, 17 November, is World Prematurity Day. We talk to Tasmin Bota about her journey with her newborn, and the start of Preemie Connect. Preemie Connect is a support group for families affected by prematurity. They are there to help and provide emotional support that only someone who has been…
13 Nov 2019 25 min
116 – 136