Login and build your own radio-on-demand playlist of audio by following channels you like. Listen to your playlist on your phone, tablet or desktop machine where and when it suits you.

Get the latest news

Follow News and Podcast channels to always get the latest available episode in your playlist.

Listen to audio-books and series

Follow Books and Series channels to start listening at the first episode and continue to the next as you listen through them. Skip between episodes at any time.

Star future or favourite episodes

Track individual episodes you still want to listen in the future or would like to listen again.

Listening history

We’ll track your listening history, giving you a quick convenient way to find something you’ve listened to before.

Manage your playlist

Our website and our players allows access to your playlist, which is the latest set of available content for the different channels you’ve followed. Most interfaces also allow access to your starred episodes and listening history. Channels and and episodes can be unfollowed or unstarred at any time.

Listen to your playlist

HTML5 Web player

Continuous playback, resume where you left off, access to your history and starred items and more! Listen to your playlist in your mobile or desktop web browser using the latest audio playback standards.

Direct downloads

Download individual episodes for later listening from our website, or from any of the other players, including email and RSS. Saved files contain all the provider artwork and metadata and saves to a “nice” file.

Personal RSS feed

Your playlist becomes a personalised RSS feed to use with your favourite feed reader. Quickly integrates with existing news workflow and works great with iTunes.

Web player lite

Your playlist as a light-weight website optimised for old mobile handsets and very small displays. Also works great for low-speed internet connections like GPRS or EDGE.

Listen by Email

Get your playlist delivered directly to your inbox each day! Easy access to play or download playlist episodes. Nice for following infrequently updated content, doesn’t require checking for updates.

More coming

Our future roadmap includes native applications for a variety of mobile platforms, in-car systems and media centers. Check this page for updates.