Weekly roundup — Let's talk (to a whale)

If we wanted to talk to a gigantic underwater animal, how would we do that? Also, lose weight... by making friends!
20 Apr English Germany Science · Technology

Other recent episodes

Weekly roundup — Mea culpa!

Science unscripted got an email this week about orgasms. What's more, someone wrote to let us know why a dying countess in a classic German novel would rather spend her final moments with a chauvinist man than with Conor or Gabe. And finally, how your doctor's credentials might just save…
18 May 30 min

Weekly roundup — Around the rim

Gabe's voice undergoes an unexpected transformation, and why two people have been running around a 'wall of death' in Italy. Also, send your favorite SAD SONG to su@dw.com - and let us know why you listen to it?
4 May 30 min

Body image, ice baths & sad, sad music

Most women who delete Instagram see a boost in self-esteem and body image. Also, forget 'cold tubs' if you want bigger muscles — and why do we like to make ourselves sad sometimes?
3 May 18 min