Solid Gold Podcasts #BeHeard Epokothweni with Babalwa Nonkenge

Epokothweni with Babalwa Nonkenge

Accessible conversations about financial stewardship in IsiXhosa.

Sincokola ngokuphathwa kakuhle kwemali ngendlela efikelelekayo ngolwimi lwesixhosa.

Accessible conversations, co-creation and learning personal financial stewardship in Isixhosa
Occasionally Xhosa South Africa Business · Investing
75 Episodes
12 – 32

Isiqendu 55 | Raising kids with a Financial Fitness Mindset

Incoko yethu namhlanje imalunga nencwadi ebhalwe ngu Amanda John kunye no Nelisiwe Mbara ebhalelwe abantwana. Ukanti ke ingonwatyelwa lusapho lonke. In today's discussion we chat about the book Raising Kids with a Financial Fitness Mindset with co author Amanda John
24 May 2023 16 min

Isiqendu 54 | Qondisisa kakuhle zonke iindleko (costs) ze investments zakho

Incoko yethu no Asavela Gwela ingakunceda uqondisise kakuhle zonke indleko (costs) ze investmets zakho kuba ziyayichaphazela indlela ekhula ngayo imali oyityalileyo. Khumbula ukuba kwezi ncoko sikwabela ulwazi oluphangaleleyo kwaye u 10X Investments oyi FSP number 28250 ugunyaziswe emthethweni Today's discussion with Khwezi Jackson comes to you with the good wishes…
9 May 2023 11 min

Isiqendu 52 | Ziqhube njani imakete zemali kunyaka odlulileyo - incoko no Mthobeli Mankahla

Namhlanje sihlalutya indlela imakete zezimali eziqhube ngayo kunyaka odlulileyo kunye nesihlobo sethu esiyiyo nengcaphephe kwi financial services - uMthobeli Mankahla. Today's discussion focuses on understanding the performance of financial markets over the past year. Our good friend and a professional in financial services is Mthobeli Mankahla, he helps us understand…
29 Mar 2023 25 min

Isiqendu 51 | Beka imali bucala - incoko no Asavela Gwele

Lencoko siyiziselwa ngeminqweno emihle yabakwa 10X Investments. Lulwazi olwabelwana nawe oluphangaleleyo olu hayi ingcebiso (financial advice) 10X Investments FSP (number 28250) is an authorized financial services provider
14 Mar 2023 11 min

Radio interview | Earning legitimate, legal income online

South Africa has a high number of graduates who are unemployed and the economy is not growing at a rate which creates income for all her citizens. There are ways that some are sharing about on Twitter and Youtube about how they create an income for themselves. I discussed this…
10 Mar 2023 46 min

Episode 49 | Setting S.M.A.R.T financial goals for 2023

This is a conversation in English in which Frank Magwegwe PhD, CFP sets out how to set yourself up for success using Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Time bound goals for your finances in 2023
16 Jan 2023 1 hr 01 min

Isiqendu 48 | Siphendula imibuza yakho nabakwa Satrix

Kulencoko yanamhlanje siphendula imibuzo obusithumele yona nabakwa Satrix Duma Mxenge - Business Development Manager Siyabulela Nomoyi - Quantitative Portfolio Manager Thembeka Khumalo - Client Relationship Manager
23 Nov 2022 29 min

Isiqendu 47 | SatrixNow app ikwenzela lula

We chat to Thembeka Khumalo the Client Relationship Manager at Satrix and she lets us in on how the SatrixNow app makes investing through Satrix accessible to people from all walks of life
9 Nov 2022 17 min

Isiqendu 46 | TFSA, ETF, Unit Trusts, RA - siyazicacisa zonke

Sicacisa lamagama ezi products: TFSA, ETF, Unit Trust ne RA ngoncedo luka Duma Mxenge - Business Development Manager yakwa Satrix In this conversation we explain the following products: TFSA, ETF, Unit Trust and RA with Duma Mxenge - Business Development Manager at Satrix
2 Nov 2022 18 min

Isiqendu 44 | Indleko zotyalo mali - costs associated with investing

Whether you are investing in Index Tracking Funds or investing in Actively managed funds, there will be costs involved. Listen to hear more. Kukho iindleko xa utyala imali, nokuba usebenzisa i-Index Tracking Funds okanye naluphi na olunye uhlobo - zikhona iindleko ezikhoyo. Mamela uve banzi
18 Oct 2022 8 min

Isiqendu 42 | Imali yesondlo sabantwana

Sincokola no Tina Hokwana oyingcaphephe kwezomthetho ngomba wokuxhaswa kwabazali ngabazali bobabini kwakunye noncedo olufumanekayo xa kukho undonakele
6 Oct 2022 29 min

Isiqendu 41 | Iimfanelo ezinobuzaza zabo baxhomekeke kuwe

Kwincoko yethu namhlanje sizakungena nzulu kwimeko ngeemeko ezinobuzaza ezithi zihlangabezane nabo baxhomekeke kuthi esinokwazi ukuzisombulula xa sisenza izicwangciso ngamafa. Today's discussion will be focused on beneficiaries, spouses and children with specific needs due to various unique circumstances and the solutions we can implement as part of a wholistic estate planning…
28 Sep 2022 11 min

Isiqendu 39 | iWill: ukubaluleka kwayo

Kule incoko sincokola ngenyathelo lokuqala lokulungiselela usapho, izalamane nezihlobo zakho ingakumbi abo baxhomekeke kuwe ngokuthi ubhale iWill ukuze iminqweno yakho yaziwe ngokucacileyo.
14 Sep 2022 12 min
12 – 32